About Us
Who are we?
Our goal is to provide structured, hands-on learning as an alternative to the typical mainstream schooling system, and strict curriculum. We believe that children should be allowed to learn at their own pace, without pressure, so that they can enjoy, and be enthused by the subjects, whilst finding passion in developing lifelong skills. Together we can create sustainability, and community and change the future for every generation to come.
Our Mission
Roots to the Future is a collective of dedicated souls, who are here because they are passionate about creating the change in the world that they wish to see.
We aim to offer inclusive learning experiences for all ages and abilities, which are an alternative to mainstream education. These experiences will support mental, physical and spiritual growth on a holistic and nurturing level. We wish to reconnect children and adults with the natural world and teach them hands on life skills, such as bushcraft and foraging, to mechanics and various healing modalities.
We aim to build our own education centres across the UK to support our mission and to provide a physical place for parents to take their children to learn. The money to build these centres will be raised through holding events and retreats throughout the year. The purpose of these events will be not only to offer education, but to also reconnect individuals to Mother Earth and give them back the sense of community that time has forgotten.
Want to get involved?
If our mission resonates and you would like to get involved with the organisation, then we would love to hear from you! Whether you are looking to volunteer time, offer resources or sponsorship, or are needing some support, please do not hesitate to get in touch using the link below.